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AMIDO BLACK 10B excellent quality manufacturer, exporter and supplier. Amido Black 10B is a general stain for proteins and nucleic acids. Used as a histological, protein, and nucleic acid dye used in electrophoresis.


Brown to Dark brown blackinsh powder...

C.A.S. No. 1064-48-8
CI NO. 20470
M.F. C22H14N6Na2O9S2
M.W. 616.49gm/mole


Dye Content ( by Spectrophotometry) >80%
Solubility 0.1% (Dist. Water) Clear solution
Absorption Maximum (Dist.Water) ?max 617-620nm
Absorptivity (A1%, 1cm in Water, at ?max >750
Loss On Drying (110°C) <10%
Suitability for microscopy Passes test
Amido black 10B is an amino acid staining azo dye used in biochemical research to stain for total protein. Criminal investigations to detect blood present with latent fingerprints. 
It is also usedd to stain the photographic flim so that the photo can be captured on it.

Amido black 10B is an amino acid staining azo dye used to stain for total protein. Amido Black is a useful forensic stain typically used for enhancing latent prints contaminated with blood. Amido Black is very sensitive to the proteins found in blood. It leaves a black/blue stain and is usable on both porous and nonporous surfaces.

AMIDO BLACK 10BWe are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of quality AMIDO BLACK 10B . This chemical is widely used in processing of xylenlol orange, redox indicator and anti-oxidents. 

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