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CALCEIN FLUORESCEIN COMPLEXONE  excellent quality manufacturer, exporter and supplier. Calcein is used for determination of Ca in biological systems. Indicator for the fluorimetric determination of calcium in presence of Mg by complexometric titration.

C.A.S. No. 1461-15-0
M.F. C30H22N2O13
M.W. 622.55gm/mole


Solubility 0.1% (0.1N NaOH) Clear solution
Absorption maximum (0.1N NaOH) ?max 499+/-5nm
Absorptivity (A1%/1cm at ?max) >800
Loss On Drying (110°C) <8%
Calcein is a xanthene that is commonly used for the fluorometric determination of calcium in solution. As this form of calcein is not membrane permeable, it can be used in assays that evaluate membrane integrity. Calcein can also be used as a fluorescent indicator for fluoride, iron, and mercury. Absorption and emission maxima for calcein are 494 and 517 nm, respectively.
Color :- Yellow-orange to orange-brown
Color :- Yellow-orange to orange-brown
Color :- Yellow-orange to orange-brownUses
Calcein is a xanthene that is commonly used for the fluorometric determination of calcium in solution. As this form of calcein is not membrane permeable, it can be used in assays that evaluate membrane integrity. Calcein can also be used as a fluorescent indicator for fluoride, iron, and mercury. Absorption and emission maxima for calcein are 494 and 517 nm, respectively.
Color :- Yellow-orange to orange-brown

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