Toluene is found naturally in crude oil, and is used in oil refining and the manufacturing of paints, lacquers, explosives (TNT) and glues.
Cytosine consists of a heterocyclic aromatic ring, an amine group at C4, and a keto group at C2.
MELIBIOSE Chemical Properties Uses in Production.
Synthesis of sup 14/C-cysteamine and cystamine. Bulgaria.
Thiophenols are used in the production of pharmaceuticals including of sulfonamides.
Air atomized tin powder that is mainly used in the friction and brazing paste industries.
Tin fluoborate 50% used in electroplating. Tin fluoborate 50% used for plating bath tinned copper, tin and tin alloy.
Thioacetamide has been used as an organic solvent in the leather, tex- tile, and paper industries, as an accelerator in the
etrazolium red is used in a biochemical viability test for seeds.
Titanium dioxide, a white, opaque, naturally occurring mineral existing in a number of crystalline forms, the most impor
IDENTIFICATION AND USE: Thioglycolic acid is a clear, colorless liquid with a strong, unpleasant odor.